Wall painting, as the name suggests, is painting on the wall, also known as wall painting, wall mural, generally using environmentally friendly, fast-drying acrylic paint to make.

Wall painting art is a decorative product. Nowadays, as a form of decorative art, it is frequently used in the decoration of specific environments such as homes and public spaces. In the modern sense, the art of interior wall painting is an emerging decoration industry that extends under the great development trend of interior design in today’s social environment.

Wall painting art creates a personalized indoor space atmosphere for people and touches people’s hearts with its unique pattern shape, green and environmentally friendly painting pigments, and streamlined and fast decoration processes. At present, wall painting art has gradually become a fashion symbol of interior decoration design in my country. More people think about how to integrate art into modern decoration design. At the same time, a large number of wall painting designers have emerged. In order to make the wall painting art better known, this paper briefly discusses the application of wall painting art in interior decoration.

1 Application types of wall painting in interior decoration

The current interior decoration design is developing in the direction of personalization and diversification. More and more modern interior design introduces wall painting art to increase the visual enjoyment of the living room. At present, the application of wall painting art in interior design in my country mainly has the following two applications:

1.1 The walls are painted

Wall full painting refers to the artistic creation of wall painting on the main wall of the room, as a feature of highlighting the home style atmosphere. The design considerations include:

(1) Designers should rely on the strong personal preferences of customers.

(2) Design according to the area and structure of the wall.

(3) The color and main style of the wall painting should echo with the furniture.

(4) For such large-area paintings, great attention should be paid to the use of environmentally friendly paints.

1.2 Targeted decorative painting

This kind of wall painting mainly refers to the creation of some small-area wall paintings. For example, small-scale painting decorations such as vines, flowers and plants can be made at the corners of load-bearing pillars and stairs, and indoor switches and sockets can also be designed. Some animal and comic patterns to add interest to the indoor environment. Such wall decoration effectively renders the indoor atmosphere and satisfies people’s spiritual demands.

2 The application of wall painting in interior decoration

As a kind of interior decoration culture, wall painting art has entered people’s living space, and it is becoming more and more popular. It mainly has the following unique application functions.

2.1 Integration

With the progress of the times, people also put forward higher requirements for the indoor environment. Indoors are a place to rest. Only when the body and mind are pleasant and comfortable can people feel relaxed, while a messy indoor environment will lead to a dull mood.

Therefore, the interior decoration design should take integration as the starting point, requiring unity but not singularity, simplicity and fun. As an integrated art, wall painting can unify the interior space structure, color and composition through planning and design, so that the whole and parts are harmonious; on the other hand, wall painting art also achieves the coordination and unity of furniture and walls. , which integrates the creative idea with the furniture environment, which is a bold collision of decoration and aesthetics.

2.2 Personalization

Personalization is the decoration style that people are pursuing nowadays, especially young people. They like the feeling of freedom and freedom, and they advertise themselves by being different. Therefore, people are not satisfied with the stereotyped form, and are more eager for unique interior decoration. The wall painting art applies public art to the home interior, extends the human pursuit of wisdom and beauty into the living space, and breaks through the flat painting to form a three-dimensional art. At this time, the individualization of wall painting art, that is, its diverse creative styles, can just meet the requirements of different ages, different regions and different cultural levels for interior decoration.

2.3 Aesthetics

Improving aesthetics is one of the purposes of modern interior design, and wall painting art is leading the trend of furniture decoration with its unique aesthetics. The improvement of aesthetics of wall painting art lies in that, first of all, the living environment is artificially transformed, so that the beauty of nature and the beauty of society are integrated into the living environment. Secondly, the wall painting art is mostly re-created by the designer’s art, which integrates the creative inspiration of many people, and is the sublimation of beauty again.

3 The future development of interior design wall painting art

With the great social development and the acceleration of people’s life rhythm, slow life and fun will become the characteristics of interior decoration in the future. The traditional wall painting design will lose its freshness, and new painting methods will emerge as the times require. For example, the use of visual penetration on a narrow wall space means that works with the function of pioneering use are placed on the wall, so that people’s vision can be extended in space.

In addition, as the market for wall painting and decoration continues to expand, it is necessary to continuously improve wall painting technology and improve the quality of wall painting materials. The fundamental purpose of interior decoration design is to improve and improve the quality of human daily living. In the future, the main line of interior decoration materials will be green decoration materials.

The future development trend of interior design wall painting art will be integration. People’s interior wall painting design will no longer be limited to a corner or a wall, but will take the architectural space structure and the whole space as an inspection point, and use wall painting art as the main expression form of interior design.

4 Summary

Wall painting is an ancient art, developed to today’s interior decoration wall painting design, the instrument’s colorful picture effects, unique modeling language and strong visual impact, continue to lead human beings to create beauty and discover beauty. As a bridge integrating decoration design and interior space, wall painting art creates a warm, comfortable and harmonious indoor environment and contributes to the long-term development of interior decoration. This article briefly introduces the types, functions and future development of wall painting, hoping that the art of wall painting can be accepted and loved by more and more people, and become a fashionable home decoration model.