China Sanitary napkin factory give some general guidance on how to apply a sanitary napkin:

Wash your hands

Before handling a sanitary napkin, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Unwrap the napkin

Open the wrapper carefully, making sure not to tear the pad or the adhesive strip.

Position the napkin

Remove the backing from the adhesive strip and place the napkin in your underwear, with the adhesive side facing down. Make sure the napkin is centered and positioned correctly to provide maximum coverage.

Secure the napkin

Press down firmly on the adhesive strip to secure the napkin in place.

Adjust as needed

If the napkin feels uncomfortable or does not provide enough coverage, adjust it until it feels secure and comfortable.

Change the napkin regularly

Change your sanitary napkin every 4-6 hours or as needed, depending on your flow. Use a fresh napkin each time to prevent odor and bacterial growth.

Remember that every woman’s menstrual cycle is unique, and you may need to experiment with different types and sizes of sanitary napkins to find the ones that work best for you.